Miley and Me

Well after days of nothing but ridicule and criticism we can all agree that Miley Cyrus has received as much or more attention than her PR agents planned for. Quite honestly, I believe that they are the ones laughing.

You’ve heard the saying, “Negative attention is still attention.”

I saw only clips of her performance, but it was enough to get the picture. After realizing that I didn’t even know she had so drastically changed her appearance, or come out with a new song, it was clear that though her marketing team may not be working for longevity, they are rather genius.

Every time I scroll through Twitter (she reportedly received more than 300,000 tweets per minute during her performance), turn on the news or radio or google anything, I am bombarded with the comments, still shots and derision aimed at Miley. She’s everywhere and those of you complaining of her openly risqué behavior and wanting to guard your children from her influence, are the very ones promoting it.

Why do we care so much? Why can’t we move on? We have experienced the shock factor from many artists, athletes, actors and actress’. We sure do love a “train wreck” as was stated several times in social media. Then it hit me. The people responding to this with such disdain come from 3 different places…

ReligionHide your husbands and sons! Look away! Don’t be tempted to look on the sinner lest you be influenced and driven to stumble!

Stop using God as a reason to verbally dismantle someone who His son died for. I don’t think He’s cool with that.

Jealousy – (I would pair gossip and drama in this category too) Well I would (i.e. could) never look like that, sing like that, feel free enough to express myself like that, so it must be wrong!

The green-eyed monster is a tricky one! Look out! All the while you’re going along with the flow not realizing that it is you acting the part of the foolish one.

JudgementLook at her, up there, grinding on that married man! I’m sure her parents are really proud! It’s disgusting!

Careful! Be ever so careful when pointing out and enhancing another’s seemingly bad decision. Tomorrow, next week, next month, maybe next year, something you are keeping in the dark will come out into the light and you will think back to the moment you said hurtful things about someone else out of your lack of willingness to understand their circumstances.

Miley and I have many similarities. I’m not a celebrity or millionaire. I don’t know what it’s like to be unable to walk into the nearest grocery store without being mobbed by paparazzi. I could never pull off the outfits she wears. That being said, if I looked the way she does there’s no telling what I would proudly accentuate myself with?

However, everyday I ask the world around me through my words, behavior and responses to things, “Do I matter?” “Am I good enough?” “Do you like me?” “Can I make it in this life where everyone is disposable (or so it seems)?

* I retweeted a picture yesterday of Will Smith with his family and their reaction in the audience during Miley’s performance. Will SmithI wish I had thought through that a little more.

Reason being, if my insides were viewable from my outsides, I would receive the same reaction. Maybe your thought life is as pure as the driven snow, but mine is not.

Whether it’s road rage, envy, disappointment, you name it, I am constantly praying throughout the day, “God, please direct my thinking.” I have burned this image of the audience into my brain as to easily access it in my memory when I am thinking or acting ridiculous.

Jesus doesn’t play the shame game. So why do we? I wore shame far too long before I exchanged it for forgiveness and grace. I thank God everyday that social media wasn’t what it is today when I was going through my time of “discovering myself.” My life would be very different.

For those of you saying, “I will never tell my daughter that Hannah Montana is Miley Cyrus.” I think you’re just silly. We all forge a path. Some of us walk in the steps that others have made while some create new tracks. Mistakes, well, it’s all part of the journey.

I don’t know Miley’s definition of mistake, but she leaves no room for question that she is no longer a child and wishes not to be treated like a child.Miley then
Miley now

If you ask me, we all have a little bit of Miley going on. It may not be visible on the outside, but it’s no less there.

all media was taken from my good friend Google
* The picture of Will Smith and his family’s reaction to Miley’s performance was later corrected as their reaction to Lady Gaga’s performance, as you can see in the bottom right corner. This is a wonderful example of how cut away shots can be paired and used with anything.

8 thoughts on “Miley and Me

  1. I don’t follow celebrities and really don’t care what they are doing…and the media is SO unkind and offers no grace for others who make mistakes, however, I think it okay to shield my sons and hubby from lady gaga and miley types not because I am hiding behind religion or jealousy (I am so not jealous of Miley), but don’t the men in our lives deal with enough bombardment of sex and other suggestions? I appreciate your honesty and agree with a lot of what you are saying here, but your post/voice-whether you meant to or not sounds as judgmental as what you are accusing others of. NONE OF US should use social media to knock down anyone!

    • Hi Dee,
      The way I read what Joy wrote was she was cautioning us all against being judgmental. I think she admitted that she herself had been. I think Joy was challenging us to not use shame in any fashion regardless of the media. If you know Joy’s story you know she has been through a lot and she would be the last one to judge or criticize someone else. It is a difficult thing to not do. We all must guard against it.

      • Thank you for your comments, Mark and your compassion for the broken and misunderstood.
        Blessings to you, my friend!

    • Dee,
      I appreciate you sharing your thoughts.
      I’m not one to “defend” myself. I find it futile.
      I realize that we all interpret things differently which is why I won’t apologize for appearing a certain way to my audience. My readers come here by choice and know this is my opinion.

      I would ask, what am I accusing others of?
      As far as hiding behind religion and other examples I gave, they were taken straight from blogs, Twitter, Facebook…etc.

      I didn’t pile my boys and husband on the sofa and say, “Okay everyone, let’s watch this scandalous performance and then have a Q&A afterwards.”
      From what I read of what others were expressing was deep seeded insecurity. We all struggle with it. We all present it in different ways. If we were all given truth serum, I’m willing to bet our disgust is fueled by misunderstanding and fear.

      I don’t condone men watching women “twerk” or dance around half naked. I also don’t condone dismissing the “twerker” as a human being, created with a great purpose (whether they know it or not), known by the God of the Universe (whether they claim him or not), offered the same grace and chance of salvation that I too am offered (whether they accept it or not). It just changes things for me.

      My position is never purposefully one of judgement and I don’t feel that I was coming from a place of judgement.

      Thank you for taking the time to comment.
      Blessings and Light,

  2. Joy,
    We should offer sanctuary not shame to Miley and others who have need. I may have been disappointed in her choices but I am disappointed a lot of times to the choices of that guy whose face I see everyday in the mirror. It is easy to criticize someone instead of offering up prayer for them. May we choose the latter.

  3. The picture of Will Smith and family and their reaction was not a reaction to Miley’s performance. It was the reaction to Lady GaGa’s performqnce.

    • Thanks Tracy. You’re right. It was used shortly after the performance as a reaction to Miley’s performance, but it was indeed Lady Gaga.

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