Tangled hair and gratified senses

Did you smell that?
Someone has filled their chiminea with sweet-smelling spices atop the wood.
Did you feel that?
The first bit of chill in the morning air persuading you to grab a jacket before heading out into the day.
Did you see that?
Leaves shower down and cover the grass like a colorful, crispy blanket.

It’s moving in.
All around.
The trees proudly display their vibrant colors while greeting the new season.
That first sip of apple cider, taken too quickly, singe the taste buds.
A scarf adorns the neck of most passersby.
It’s making a grand entrance.

Orange, gold, red and brown everywhere you look.
It’s time to choose your preferred fall flair.
Why not start with orange?
Let’s begin in a patch of pumpkins and straw filled scarecrows.

Only the most imperfect, perfect pumpkin will do.
So many to choose from.
How can one decide?
Why not pick the one that seems to pick you?